El Profe, 
Exemplary Life     Vida Ejemplar

La trayectoria de El Profe Aguirre en Nicaragua comienza desde los años 60 como profesor de la Universidad y de Colegio de Secundaria en el René Schick y Colegio Bautista. Ya en el año de 1972 y debido al terremoto que deja una enorme devastación en Managua, capital de Nicaragua El Profe une esfuerzos con el Dr y Rvdo Gustavo Adolfo Parajón en la creación del CEPAD.

Los años subsecuentes El Profe Aguirre trabajó en el CEPAD sirviendo a la población de Nicaragua durante más de 40 años, destacándose en la década de los años 80 en la paz y la reconciliación del país, con mayor énfasis en las comunidades en el área rural. El Profe enfrentó diferentes retos y desastres naturales con el único propósito de brindar ayuda y atención inmediata. El Profe Aguirre tambien fue parte de la Convención Bautista de Nicaragua y sirvió como Vice Presidente de la Convención por dos periodos consecutivos y como Presidente por dos periodos consecutivos.

El Profe Aguirre como jubilado siguió activo y dirigiendo labores en la Radio CEPAD. Es uno de los fundadores y líder del Colegio Bautista de La Concha. 

El Profe began his career as a high school teacher at Rene Schick and the Baptist School in Managua beginning in the 1960’s. As a consequence of the 1972 earthquake, which left Managua economically and structurally devastated, El Profe joined the efforts of Rev. Gustavo Parajón in forming The Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua (CEPAD). For the next 40 years, El Profe worked tirelessly for the mission of CEPAD to help those in need. His years of service covered reconciliation and peace negotiations of the countryside, aid in times of natural disasters, and economic relief and education to the poor, among many others. He was always there to help those who needed assistance. The Profe Aguirre was also part of the Nicaraguan Baptist Convention and served as Vice President for two consecutive terms. He also served as President for an additional two terms.

Although Profe officially retired from CEPAD, he continued to volunteer his time to the organization on a regular basis. Some joke that he never actually retired, as “retirement” consisted of running Radio CEPAD and La Concha Baptist school (to name a few). 

A Wonderful Lesson from El Profe for All

We think you will all enjoy the thought & the message in this family produced video.  A simple message of the interpretation of God's word of hope in today's harsh times.

Compartiendo un mensaje de esperanza en este video de lección del Profe. El mensaje es relevante para la vida de hoy. Un mensje simple de la interpretación de la palabra.
Click & Listen / Presione & Escuche

Thank you for all your Messages, June 2020
Gracias por todos sus Mensajes, Junio 2020

We appreciate the messages from Family and Friends
Apreciamos mucho los mensajes de Familias y Amigos

Updates During Profe's Hospitalization/ Actualizaciones durante Hospitalización del Profe
June 2020

June 18th 5:00 am 

To our dearest brothers and sisters in Christ: This morning the Lord has decided to call Profesor Gilberto Adolfo Aguirre Escobar to continue to worship Him in His Kingdom. Profe has left us with many teachings about life and love; he was an example for us all. Do not be fooled, Profe was still the captain of this “command center” that we had along the way for his recovery. Even just yesterday he was directing us for services that he needed. Staying true to his character, Profe continued to keep a positive demeanor and an admirable faith to our Lord, serving as a powerful example for his children and family. 
Profe is an inspiration for so many for always doing the Lord’s work. He loved his neighbor as himself, and served those in need. This is a legacy that has to continue on with new and young leaders in the world. The baton has to be passed, just like Profe always insisted. We give thanks to the Lord for the life of these leaders. Profe now is taking some Nicaraguan candies “by request with him”. We will keep informing of projects where Profe worked tirelessly and they still need financial support to continue the task of help and service in Nicaragua. In name of Profe we hope we can all continue supporting these projects.
Again thank you very much!
Profe's Family

Muy queridos hermanas y hermanos en Cristo. Hoy el Señor a decidido llamar al Profesor Gilberto Adolfo Aguirre Escobar a continuar trabajando con El en su reino. El Profe nos deja con muchas enseñanzas de la vida pero mas importante del amor Cristo el Señor. Pero ni lo duden, el Profe todavia era el Jefe en este “centro de commando” que teniamos con el. Aun ayer el Profe nos guio y aprobo de servicios que el necesitaba. El Profe caracteristico de el penso en todo, pero siempre mantuvo un comportamiento positivo y una Fe admirable a nuestro Señor, un ejemplo fuerte para sus hijos y familia.
El Profe ha sido inspiracion para muchas personas por su trabajo en function de servicio y ayuda al projimo y al mas necesitado, ese legado debe seguir propagandose con nuevos lideres por el mundo y no dejar caer la ‘batuta’ como el Profe siempre insistio. Damos gracias al Señor por la vida de estos lideres. El Profe lleva unas “cagetas de encargo”. Informaremos luego de projectos donde el Profe trabajó arduamente en lo personal y que requieren de apoyo financieros para continuar la labor de ayuda y servicios en Nicaragua. En nombre del Profe esperamos que se pueda continuar con ese apoyo.
Familia del Profe

June/Junio 15
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, tonight we are asking for your prayers again. Profe is in a very delicate situation where his breathing is becoming a challenge. Family is at his side assisting him. Profe's children are unable to travel to see him. We are so glad to have Doctors like Dr David Parajon whom has taken care of Profe constantly. We are in the hands of God always.

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, esta noche les pedimos sus oraciones nuevamente. El Profe se encuetra en una situacion muy delicada donde se le dificulta respirar. Su Familia se encuentra al lado de el asistiendole. Los hijos del Profe sin embargo todavia no puede viajar para verlo y estar con el. Damos gracias de tener doctores como el Dr David Parajon que ha cuidado del Profe constantemente. Estamos en las manos del Señor siempre.

June/Junio 14
We have heard from many friends that are concerned about our Dad.  Your words of encouragement mean a lot to his family and him.  He is now at home and we hope as comfortable as is possible.   Nindiri, where he lives, is a small little town about 15 miles SE from the big capital, Managua.  
Kindly help us spread our Dad’s news to those that know him and that could also join this effort to support him and Damaris. 
 (Profe’s Family)

Muchos amigos y amigas nos han escrito alentándonos.  Muchas gracias a todos.  El Profe paso ayer en casa con su familia en Nindiri.   Para aquellos que no conocen, Nindiri  es un pueblito humilde pero bonito a unos 21 km an SE de Managua.  
Gracias a aquellos que comparten las noticias del Profe a otros que le conozcan para que se unan a este esfuerzo.   Seguiremos informando de cualquier cambio con el Profe.
Familia del Profe

June/Junio 13 8:20 pm  
Profe left the hospital today after 11 days (this time around). His situation continues to be very delicate. There is a process of chemotherapy that needs to start as soon as he heals. With your help we hope Profe can continue to battle on.
Profe's Family

Despues de 11 dias, El Profe salió hoy del hospital. Su situación es muy delicada. Ahora se necesita que empieze un programa quimoterapeutico en cuanto se sane más. Agradecemos sus importantisimas contribuciones para esta lucha. Gracias.
Familia del Prof

Junio/June 12 7:20 am
Es un nuevo dia y seguiremos optimistas.   Las 3 operaciones que se le hicieron al Profe han presentado complicaciones.  El equipo médico sigue trabajando arduamente para re-establecer la salud de El Profe.  Sus donaciones siguen siendo importantisimas en esta lucha.  Gracias.

It is a new day and we continue to hope for the best.  Profe's last 3 surgeries have presented some complications.  The medical team is diligently working to improve his health.  Thank you to all whose donations continue to help in this effort. 
Familia del Profe

Thursday/Jueves, June/Junio 11
9:30 am  
Profe is still at the hospital.  Dr. David Parajón, Dr. Carlitos Escobar and Alicia Ampié (nurse & Profe's former student) have been taking great care of him in the last few days.  With your help and support we can continue to face each challenge.  Your donations truly make all the difference. 
Profe's Family

Hoy El Profe sigue en el hospital.  Los Drs. David Parajón, Carlitos Escobar y la enfermera (y ex-alumna) Alicia Ampié han sido ángeles en su cuidado.   Con el apoyo de todos ustedes le seguiremos dando frente a los retos.  Sus donaciones son importantisimas.
Familia del Profe

Wednesday/Miercoles, June/Junio 10
9:30am: Dear friends. Matters are getting more complicated for our father. He continues to be at the Hospital and the medical team is helping in many fronts. A lot of different issues have come up and the situation is delicate. We hope we can continue to fight each challenge. Your donations can make all the difference at this stage. (Profe's Family)

Queridos amigos/as. La situación se ha complicado un poco. El Profe continua en el hospital y el equipo médico esta trabajando arduamente. Muchas complicaciones han tornado la situación difícil aun más delicada. Esperamos poder hacerle frente a estos nuevos retos. En estos momentos, sus donaciones pueden hacer toda la diferencia. (Familia del Profe)

Monday/Lunes, Junio/June 8

4:00 pm: Queridos Hermanas y Hermanos en Cristo. El Profe, continua delicado de salud, sigue en el hospital tomando varios tratamientos y combatiendo una bacteria que desafortunadamente contrajo en el hospital. Continuamos pidiendo por sus oraciones mientras el Profe continua en su lucha por su recuperacion.

Nosotros continuamos agradeciendo aquellos que nos apoyan con donaciones que nos ayudan a los gastos medicos. Asi mismo agradecemos a aquellos que esparcen la voz de nuestro esfuerzo en sus plataformas de medios sociales y agradecemos mucho en particular a Garth Hewitt por mencionar al Profe en su pagina web http://www.garthhewitt.org/yo-creo-en-nicaragua-prayers-for-gilberto/. Esta es otra manera de propagar noticias del Profe y de como ayudar. Familia del Profe

Brother’s and Sister’s in Christ, Profe is delicate and he remains at the hospital taken several different treatments as he battles against a bacteria that was picked up at the hospital. We continue to ask for your prayers while Profe continues his battle to get better.

We continue thanking those who support us with donation that are key to Profe’s medical expenses. We also thank those who share our efforts on their social media platforms like the one Garth Hewitt did in his webpage


This is another way to share Profe’s news and on how to help. Profe’s Family

Sunday/Domingo, Junio/June 7

11:00 am: Hola todos, el dia de ayer fuimos informados del estado clinico del Profe, el presenta un Linfoma llamado Non-Hodgskin de nivel 4, esto indica que el Profe es muy probable que tenga que tomar tratamiento de quimioterapia en las proximas semanas. Hay mas examenes pendiente que todavia el Profe tendra que pasar para concretizar tratamiento. El profe continua hospitalizado y aunque un poco debil, mantiene su humor y optimismo de siempre. Continuamos agradeciendo sus palabras de aliento y oraciones. Gracias a aquellos que tambien nos ayudan con sus donaciones. 

Siempre pedimos por sus oraciones, la familia del Profe se mantiene al lado del el apoyandolo en lo que necesita. Gracias a ustedes por ser un apoyo a la familia. Seguiremos compartiendo cualquier progreso. Familia del Profe

Hi All, yesterday we were informed of Profe’s clinical status. Profe’s results shows that he has Non-Hodgskin’s Lymphoma, stage 4, this suggest that Profe will most likely go through Chemotherapy treatment in the coming weeks. There are still more lab test he will need to undergo to dictate proper treatment. Profe continues at the hospital and although his health is compromised, his humor and optimism is the same that characterize him. We continue thanking those who have giving us words of encouragement and prayers. Also, we keep thanking those who have helped us with your donations.

Overall we keep asking for your prayers, profe’s family is at his side at all times to support all his needs. Thank you also for, in one way or another, be a support to the family as well. We will continue sharing any progress. Profe’s family.

Saturday/Sabado, Junio/June 6

10:00 am: Hermanas y Hermanos. El Profe paso bien la noche, sin embargo su lucha apenas comieza. Hoy se le haran valoraciones de lo que tiene que enfrentar en las proximas semanas. Los doctores seguiran trabajando en las mejores opciones de tratamiento.

Es demas decir que vienen retos para el Profe y con estos retos vienen dificultades financieras. La familia del Profe trabaja arduo para mantener estos gastos sin embargo buscamos la bendicion del Señor a travez de ustedes para su continuo apoyo. Pedimos que puedan esparcir esta noticia a aquellos que tal vez no han escuchado de su estado de salud y pedir por oraciones. Ya agradecemos a cada uno de ustedes por acompañarnos y apoyarnos. Esperemos que otros puedan unirse. Seguiremos informandoles. La Familia del Profe.

Sisters and Brother in Christ. Profe had a restful night, however Profe’s fight to achieve health is just starting. Today doctors will be evaluating Profe’s conditions after lab test results to look for best treatment.

We know Profe will be facing many challenges now and with these challenges come financial difficulties. Profe’s family is working together to sustain most of these challenges, however we pray our God to keep giving us His blessings through each of you for your support. We hope that you can help us spread the news for those who know Profe and may not know of his health condition to pray for him. We already thank each and every one of you for walking and helping along our side for Profe's support. It is our hope others can join in these efforts. We will continue sharing updates. Profe’s Family.

Friday/Viernes, Junio/June 5

10:30 pm: Hermanos y Hermanas, el Profe salio de cirujia hace poco. El Profe esta delicado, pero estable. Hay procedimientos que tendra que pasar. Pedimos sus oraciones como siempre. Manana estaremos dando mas de su progreso.

Gilberto Jr

Brothers and Sisters, Profe just got out of surgery. Profe is very delicate, but remains stable. There are upcoming procedures he has to go through now. We ask for your prayers as always. Tomorrow we will share more of his progress

Gilberto Jr

Friday/Viernes, Junio/June 5

10:00 am: Hermanas y Hermanos, el Profe continua delicado, hoy mi Papa tendra que someterse a una intervencion quirujica que esperamos le venga a bien. El Profe en si se encuetra aun con el espiritu en alto y sigue luchando. Estamos confiados en El Señor que El no dejara de estar al lado de su siervo.

Pedimos sus oraciones y damos gracias por estar pendientes del desarrollo del Profe. Les seguiremos compartiendo.

La Familia del Profe

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Profe continues in delicate condition, My Dad will have to undergo a less invasive surgery today that we hope will do him good. Profe remains with great spirits and keeps fighting. We trust in God that He will always be next to his loyal servant.

We ask for your prayers and we are most thankful for following with us Profe’s progress. We will share back soon.

Profe’s Family

Thursday/Jueves, Junio/June 4

9:00 am: Buenos dias, agradeciendo al Señor cada dia. El Profe continue delicado de salud pero mas estable aun, el Profe continua en el Hospital el dia de hoy para continuar una serie de examenes, lo bueno es que se encuentra en mucho mejor espiritu. Esperemos que los resultados del dia de hoy progresen a bien.

Continuamos agradeciendo a todos los que oran y mandan palabras de aliento. Asi mismo a aquellos que continuan apoyando con sus donaciones. Ya estaremos compartiendo con ustedes mas del Profe.

 (La Famila del Profe). 

Good morning, we give thanks to our God for every day. Profe health continues delicate at this time but even more stable. Profe still remains at the Hospital today to continue a series of lab work, we are glad that despite of all this he continues with good spirits. It is our hope the outcome of the labs today provide better news.

We continue thanking those who pray and send words of encouragements. We also keep thanking those who continue supporting with your donations. We will continue sharing with you shortly

 (Profe’s Family)

Tuesday/Martes, Junio/June 2

5:00 pm: Hola a todos, Profe sigue en recuperacion, hoy tuvo que regresar al hospital y esperamos que permanezca ahi por un dia. Sigue delicado pero estable. Seguimos orando por el y la familia que se encuentra con el. Seguimos agradeciendo a aquellos que nos han contactado y preguntan por Profe. Esperamos dar mejores noticias en los proximos dias.

Hello friends, Profe continues recovery, today he had to go back to the hospital hoping he will remain there for a day. Profe’s health continues delicate but stable. We continue praying for him and his family at his side. We continue thanking those who have contacted us and are asking for him. We will look forward to give better news in the days to come.

Monday/Lunes, Junio 1

11:00 am: Buenos dias, el Profe continua delicado pero estable, poco a poco recupera fuerzas para poder continuar su tratamiento que debera empezar en las proximas semanas. Continuamos orando por el y pidiendo la guia del Señor. Estamos muy agradecidos por el apoyo que nos han brindado desde el principio de todo esto a un gran grupo de personas quienes han sido vital en este proceso, el Dr David Parajon es uno de ellos que continua dando su tiempo con el Profe y familia. Muchas gracias a todos.

Asi mismo damos gracias a los que continuan orando por el Profe y tambien a aquellos que han donado. El Profe a tenido tiempo cuando tiene fuerzas de leer algunos de sus mensajes y videos, esto es de gran ayuda al Profe pues le levanta el animo. Ya estaremos compartiendo mas adelante con ustedes. (Familia del Profe)

Good morning, Profe continues his recovery, delicate but stable, slowly Profe gather a bit more strength to continue his upcoming treatment in the following weeks. We continue praying and asking for God’s guidance. We are very thankful for a great group of brothers and sisters in Christ who have helped us physically from the very beginning of this journey, Dr David Parajon is one of them that continues supporting Profe and Family. We thank everyone.

We are also thankful for those that continue to pray for Profe and those who have donated. Profe has had an opportunity to read few notes and videos that have been left for him when he gathers strength, these have being of great help cheering him up. We will be sharing more with you at a later time. (Profe's Family).

May 27-31

Sunday/Domingo, May 31

10:00 am: Buenos dias hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, hoy ha sido un dia duro para el Profe pues su recuperacion es ardua, sin embargo Profe siempre mantiene un fuerte optimismo, y su fe en El Señor es aun mas fuerte. Aun con todo el Profe nos exhorta a la familia de continuar depositando nuestra fe en El Señor.

Hermanas y Hermanos, pedimos siempre por sus oraciones, pues solo a El sea la Gloria siempre. Continuaremos compartiendo con Ustedes. (La Familia del Profe)

Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ. Today it has been a tough day for Profe, his recovery is hard, however Profe’s optimism is strong and his faith in God is even stronger. 

Nevertheless Profe has exhorted us as a family to continue our faith in our God despite anything in the world.

Sisters and brothers in Christ, we continue to ask for your prayers for only Him be glorified. We will continue sharing throughout the coming days. (profe’s Family)

Saturday/Sábado, May 30

10:00 am: Felíz Día de las Madres. Hay un video boníto de saludos para el Profe. Disfrútenlo (Click aqui).

Happy Mother's Day in Nicaragua. There's a real nice new video greeting for El Profe. Enjoy (Click here)

Friday/Viernes, May 29

11:00 am:

Hermanas y hermanos, el Profe continua su recuperación, hoy paso en su casa por primera vez y toda la familia se acostumbra a cuidarlo. Se sigue valorando su condición cada día. Con la ayuda del Señor seguiremos adelante en su tratamiento. Como siempre pedimos sus oraciones.

Siempre agradecemos a aquellos que mandan saludes al profe, y que han enviado saludos en videos a travez de esta pagina. Seguiremos informando.

Dear sisters and brothers, Profe continues his recovery, today was his first day at home and the entire family is getting use to his care. Doctors continue evaluating his every day progress. With God’s help we will continue supporting our Dad and his treatment. As always we ask for your prayers.

We thank all those who have sent words of encouragement and have asked for his well-being and those also that have left videos for Profe via this webpage. We will continue giving you further updates.

(Gilberto Jr)

Jueves/Thursday, May 28

3:30 pm:

We are very pleased to share with you that today Profe has left the Hospital and is now home. Your prayers and thoughts have been heard. We continue to be thankful for those that continue to send thoughts, videos through this page and most of all prayers. 

Profe now faces a long road to full treatment and recovery, we will continue praying for our Dad trusting that our God will help us continue support Profe. For now we will look forward to his wellness at home. We will continue giving updates shortly.

(Gilberto Jr)

Nos sentimos alegres de compartir que el día de hoy el Profe ha dejado el Hospital rumbo a casa. Sus oraciones y palabras de aliento son siempre escuchas por nuestro Señor. Seguimos agradecidos por aquellos quienes continuan enviando saludos, videos a travez de esta página y sobre todo oraciones.

El profe ahora enfrenta un camino largo de tratamiento y de recobrar su salud. Continuaremos orando por nuestro Papa y tendremos la confianza en el Señor que nos ayudara a continuar apoyando al Profe. Por ahora estaremos pendiente de su evolución en casa. Ya les estaremos informando.

(Gilberto Jr)

7:30am: Good morning everyone. Profe's recovery continues to progress. Doctors will evaluate today to see if he can continue his recovery at home starting today. We'll keep you posted.

Buenos Dias. El Profe se sigue recuperando. Hoy los doctores dirán sí puede continuar su recuperación en casa. Los mantendremos informados.

We have had technical difficulties with the site. Hope they are fixed.  

Tuvimos problemas técnicos con el sitio. Espero ya hallamos pasado eso.

May 27

7:45am: Again today and last night Carlitos Escobar (cousin) stayed with El Profe at the hospital. The great love of so many is the best gift to El Profe! Profe continues to improve. It is slow going, yet it is progress. Our hope is that soon we can post an update straight from his hand on this site. We are awaiting decisions from his medical team to determine when he can go home. We'll keep you posted.  

De nuevo ayer en la noche, nuestro primo Carlitos se quedó con el Profe por la noche cuidándolo. El amor de tantos es un gran regalo para El Profe!. Mi papa se sigue mejorando; poco a poco....pero seguro, creemos. Nuestra esperanza es que pronto podamos poner acá una actualización de su puño y letra! Estamos esperando las decisiones del equipo medico para saber cuándo el Profe puede regresar a casa. Les mantendremos informados. (Richard). 

May 21-26

Mayo 26 Martes/Tuesday
10:30 am: El Profe continua su recuperación, lenta y dificil pero con buen espiritu. Hoy El Profe logro escribir en su Ipad y dejó mensaje de agradeciemiento a aquellos que oran por el y a aquellos que le han dado tanto apoyo a su lado. Agradeció mucho a Dámaris y Dámaris Giselle y dio agradeciemiento a David Parajón por su finesa.

El Profe mencionó que ante todo el se siente totalmente en la manos del Señor. El mensaje de Dios a travez de la Biblia en Isaias 41:10 nos dice que en medio de temores y angustias y en medio de crisis como la que el mundo atravieza hoy, El Señor nos sotiene y nos ama y dice “no te preocupes porque Yo te fortalecere te ayudare y te sostendre con mi diestra victoriosa”.

Esperamos que con esa esperanza podamos todos poner la confianza en el Senor en momentos tan duros que pasa Nicaragua y el mundo para que el Señor nos siga bendiciendo. Nos alegra mucho que el Profe tenga buen espíritu y que deposité esa confianza en el Señor. Seguiremos informándoles de su progreso. Agradecemos muchos a aquellos que han orado por él y que han mandado palabras de aliento. (Gilberto Jr)

Profe continues his recovery, slowly and difficult but with good spirit. Today Profe was able to use and write in his Ipad thanking those that have supported and prayed for him. He gave thanks to Damaris and Damaris Giselle and also gave special thanks to David Parajon for his tireless support.

Profe mentioned that above all he feels that he is in the hands of the Lord. The message that God provides us through the bible in Isaiah 41:10 says in the midst of fear, anguish and crisis like the one the world is going through today, our God sustains us, he love us and says “ so do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”.

With this hope we can be assured that we can trust God in difficult times like the one Nicaragua and the entire world goes through, confident that he will blessed us. We are very happy that Profe is in good spirit and that he has his trust in God. We will continue giving updates of his recovery. We are so thankful for those who have sent words of encouragement and prayers. (Gilberto Jr).

8:00am: Buenos Dias a todos. El Profe sigue recuperándose. Esta aún en el Hospital Bautista. Las oraciones de todos los amigos/as, hermanos/as ayudan bastante. Mi viejo es fuerte. Sigue luchando. Los médicos siguen dando buen cuidado. Confiamos en que poco a poco las fuerzas regresen. Qué alegría ha sido para nosotros escuchar de tantos de ustedes! Ayer en la noche El Profe fue acompañado de un angel, nuestro primo Carlitos Escobar. Qué buen cuidado el que él le dio al Profe! Tremendo! Gracias. (Richard)

Good Morning to All. El Profe continues his recovery. Still at the Hospital Bautista. Your prayers have helped immensely. My old man is strong. He continues to fight through this adversity. His doctors continue to give him great care. We trust that slowly but surely el Profe will regain his strength. It has been with great happiness that we have received so many of your messages and get-well wishes! Last night, a wonderful angel watched over El Profe, our cousin Carlitos Escobar. What great care he provided! Amazing. Thank you! (Richard)

Mayo 24 Domíngo/Sunday
3:00 pm Today we had an opportunity to see my Dad over a Zoom video, the first after surgery, and he is looking well. Profe was able to communicate with us through signs for now, he looks in good spirits and was asking for coffee which was a humorous event that brought laughter in the family. Profe remains weak however. The power of prayer transcend mountains and we continue ask for them, please join us in these prayers.

El dia de hoy tuvimos la oportunidad de ver a mi Papá a travez de video en Zoom, la primera vez despues de la cirujia y lo vimos bastante bien. El Profe pudo comunicarse con nosotros a travez de señales por ahora, se ve con buen espíritu y hasta pidio café que nos causó risa a toda la familia. Sin embargo el Profe sigue debil. El poder de la oracion transciende montañas y continuamos pidiendo por ellas, pedimos que sigan orando con nosotros. (Gilberto Jr)

9:30 am My Dad remains in delicate condition. We ask for your prayers, kind thoughts and words of encouragement. As planned, he has spent another night at the hospital and he continues to be monitored by Damaris and Damaris Giselle (daughter), kind family/friends (thank you David Parajón and Carlitos Escobar) and of course the medical team. On this Sunday, we ask that friends around the world come together to support and pray for his recovery. Thank you for all support you can provide. (Richard)

My papá sigue en condición delicada. Pedimos sus oraciones y apoyo. El Profe ha pasado otra noche en el hospital, a como era el plan médico. Con él están Damaris y Damaris Giselle (hija de Damaris). También otros amigos y familiares han estado bien cerca en estos momentos (en especial quiero agradecer a David Parajón y Carlitos Escobar). Claro, el equipo médico también está cuidándolo. En este Domingo, pedimos que amigos en todas partes se unan para apoyar y orar por la mejoría del Profe. Les agradecemos. (Richard)

Mayo 23 Sábado/Saturday
7:30pm: El Profe continues on with his recovery journey. I admire his courage and stamina. Today, he reached out for his iPad so he could communicate. However, this simple task was one he could not conquer quite yet. He quickly became tired and went back to bed. I think he forgets he just underwent a major surgery and he can’t run quite yet! I think that’s normal in all of us: wanting to feel better and get back to our regular routines.  

Those of you that know my dad know he is a fighter and never gives up...and he hates asking for help. So, now that he needs help, I am sure it must be a humbling experience. But, in spite of his inability to communicate he is speaking to all of us quite clearly. He embodies strength and determination. He exemplifies faith and lets us know that no matter what tomorrow brings, you have to keep on moving. He wants us to know that he is still here, that he made it, and that one always needs to trust in the Lord. “This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it” You’re an awesome dude, dad! (Carmen)

El profe continua mejorandose. Yo admiro mucho su fuerza de seguir adelante. Hoy pidio usar su iPad para poder comunicarse. Sin embargo, esta simple tarea no la pudo realizar. Se canso y tuvo que regresar a la cama. Yo creo que se le olvida que acaba de tener una gran operacion y no puede hacer cosas cotidianas. Yo creo que es normal querer hacer todo lo que haciamos antes de semajante operacion y regresar a nuestras labores cotiadiana.

Todos los que conocen a mi papa saben que a el no le gusta darse por vencer. Y tampoco le gusta pedir ayuda. Ahora que necesita ayuda de otras personas debe de ser una experiencia bien humilde. Pero, recuerden que aun cuando el no puede hablar en estos momentos, nos continua dando lecciones. El es ejemplo de fuerza y determinacion. Ejemplifica fe y nos esta diciendo que aunque no sepamos lo que el dia de manana trae, que debemos de confiar en El Senor. “Este es el dia hecho por Dios, yo cantare y estare feliz” Padre mio! Sos un Tayacan!! (Carmen)

11:55am: El Profe continues his recovery. He is alert, communicating and in good spirits. Around noon today, he will leave the Intensive Care Unit. He will be moved to another room of the Hospital Bautista. His surgical medical staff (lead by Dr. Alberto Hernandez) has been an "excellent" and compassionate caretaker throughout this entire trial. We thank him and his entire medical team for the amazing help and personal care for El Profe.  

Your notes of encouragement to El Profe, Damaris and to the entire family are helping. Your prayers continue to make ALL the difference. Your donations to continue his needed care are essential. Thank you.   

We will continue to update you throughout the day. To God Be All the Glory. (Familia del Profe)

El Profe continua recuperándose. El está atento, comunicándose y con buen ánimo. Cerca de mediodía hoy saldrá del cuarto de cuidados intensivos. Será trasladado a otro cuarto en el hospital. Su equipo médico de operación (encabezado por el Dr. Alberto Hernandez) ha sido "excelente" y muy atentos al cuidado del Profe. Son ellos una bendición. Les agradecemos muchísimo a ellos.

Las notas de ánimo al Profe, Damaris y el resto de la familia nos han ayudado. Sus oraciones hacen TODA la gran diferencia. Sus donaciones para continuar su tratamiento son esenciales. Gracias.

Les seguiremos actualizando por este medio el día de hoy. A Dios sea Toda la Gloria. (Familia del Profe)

12:40am: Grandchildren of the Profe have produced a video dedicated to him. They will like to share this video with all of you.

Nietos(as) de el Profe han producido un video dedicado a él. Ellos quieren compartirlo con todos ustedes.

Mayo 22 Viernes/Friday
5:25pm: Profe Aguirre lives his life for the fight against poverty and for peace. His mission has always been and will always be to be a servant to the Lord, and therefore, a servant to His people. Through the years, he has humbly donated his time, love, and attention to loving those in need. Now, when his health has been compromised, we have the opportunity to serve our brother in Christ, our faithful servant of God. We invite you to join us in supporting him through any donation of funds to help cover medical expenses, and help that weight off of him and his family, if there are means.
El Profe Aguirre vive su vida luchando en contra de la pobreza y por la paz. Su misión siempre ha sido ser sirviente del Señor, y por tanto, sirviente del pueblo del Señor. Por anos El profe a donado humildemente su tiempo, su amor y atención a los necesitados. Sin embargo hoy, cuando su salud se ha visto afectada, tenemos la oportunidad de servir esta vez a nuestro hermano en Cristo, y fiel siervo de Dios. Lo\es invitamos pues, que se unan en apoyo a travez de cualquier donación posible para los fondos de gastos medicos, y quitar ese peso de encima al Profe y su Familia. (Amy Aguirre -granddaughter)

3pm: Read some new notes from many of Profe's friends.

Leé algunos mensajes de amigos del Profe. 

1pm: Update from el Profe, he is alert and stable. Damaris visited him briefly earlier this morning at the intensive care unit and she reported that he is doing well, but that will be a long road to recovery. Profe communicates by squeezing hand, he can hear and understand everything around him perfectly, he has no pain so far although a bit uncomfortable, his vital sign are doing well.

We praise our Lord for Profe's slow recovery. Damaris was able to give him a brief summary of all the prayer groups in Nicaragua and abroad. We will continue giving updates of Profe's recovery and all the efforts of the Donation Campaign for funds for all medical expenses. We will be giving more updates throughout the day.

El profe se encuentra alerta y esta estable. Dámaris estuvo con el brevemente en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y reporta que el Profe, está evolucionando bien, pero será un recorrido largo, se comuníca solo apretando la mano, escucha y entiende perfectamente, no tiene dolor, aunque algo incómodo, sus signos siguen bien.

Damos gracias a Dios por la evolución del Profe Aguirre hasta el momento. Damaris logro darle un resume de todas las oraciones hechas por todos los grupos de oraciones. Continuaremos dando información del Profe y de esfuerzos para continuar nuestra Campaña de Donación para fondos. Estaremos pendiente y daremos más información.

8:20am: All continues to be stable. Soon we will be adding a comment section to the website. Many of you have already left beautiful messages for El Profe y Dámaris. The fund raising continues to gain momentum. 

Todo aun estable. Pronto estaremos añadiendo una sección de mensajes. Muchos de ustedes han enviado notas bellísimas para El Profe y Dámaris. Ayudas de amigas/os y hermanos/as son bienvenidas.

6:10am: El Profe spent a stable night. The medical staff reports no incidents overnight. Profe is currently conscious, aware and calm. Again we thank all of you for your kind words, help and prayers (Richard)

El Profe pasó una noche estable. El cuerpo médico reporta que no hubieron incidentes durante la noche. Al corriente, El Profe esta consciente y calmo. Nuevamente les agradecemos las notitas, ayuda y oraciones que han compartido. (Richard)

Mayo 21 Jueves/Thursday
6:20pm (May 21): All of our collective prayers have been heard! The Profe has emerged from his surgery and it is in critical condition, but stable. We are happy about that. He will now spend the next 48 hours or so in the ICU. The next couple of days will be critical.  

The doctors are pleased with the conclusion of this procedure. An extended process of radiation to fight back the cancer will follow his recovery. 

We certainly are thankful for the results today. The road ahead will certainly be best faced with the support and love of all friends and The Profe's brothers and sisters in Christ. Your help will certainly be needed.

Thank you to all who have been thinking of him. To God Be the Glory!!. (The Entire Familia del Profe Aguirre)

(Español): Todas las oraciones de todos han funcionado! El Profe ha salido de la cirugía y esta en estado crítico, pero estable. Estamos gozoso de esto. El Profe ahora pasará en el UCI por 24 a 48 horas. Este tiempo es importante pasa salir del peligro inmediato.

Los doctores están muy conformes con el resultado de hoy. Ahora viene un proceso de recuperación importante y fuerte.

Las batallas que vienen serán arduas. El Profe podrá darle frente mejor con el apoyo y cariño de todos ustedes. Sus aportes serán de gran ayuda.

Muchísimas gracias a todos ustedes por estar al pendiente de nuestro Papá! A Dios sea Toda La Gloria!! (Toda La Familia del Profe)

5:00pm (5/21):

Hello from Arizona, friends and family. Profe is still in surgery; we have no new updates as of right now.

Profe is my grandfather and biggest role model. I’d like to share a memory that means a lot to me. This past summer, I had the best opportunity to go to Nicaragua, where I had returned to since I was 11 months old.

I was able to spend time with him 1:1. He took me on a road trip, driving for hours on end (stick shift I might add!) through mountains and hot sun. In a small hotel in Jinotega where we took rest for a night, we ate together under small, flickering ceiling lamp. That night, we talked for two hours about life, about pain, about family, and about love.

In those two hours, I remember feeling so happy and grateful to have that time with my grandpa, a person I’ve looked up since I was a kid. Love you so much, Abuelito! (Amy Aguirre)

5:00pm (5/21):

Hola desde Arizona, amigos y familia. El Profe sigue en cirujia y no tenemos reporte todavia. El Profe es mi Abuelito y uno de mis mejores modelos en la vida. Quiero compartir con ustedes una memoria que significa mucho para mi.

El verano pasado yo tuve una de las mejores oportunidades de ir a Nicaragua donde regrese desde que tuve 11 meses de edad. Tuve la gran oportunidad de pasar un tiempo personal con el. Mi Abuelito me llevo en un viaje por caminos en Nicaragua, manejamos por horas (en un vehiculo de cambios como si fuera poco) a travez de montañas y sol caliente. Nos quedamos en un hotel en Jinotega donde descansamos por una noche, comimos juntos bajo una lampara que parpadeaba casi a media luz. Esa noche, hablamos por horas acerca de la vida, del dolor, acerca de la familia y del amor. En esas horas, recuerdo sentirme tan contenta de haber tenido ese tiempo con mi Abuelito, la persona que admiro mucho desde que era niña. Te quiero mucho Abuelito! (Amy Aguirre)

3:23pm (5/21): La cirugía de El Profe aún continúa y hemos sido gratamente abordados por muchas amistades y familiares quiénes nos envían muchas oraciones y palabras de aliento. Damos gracias a Dios por esta fraternidad entre hermanos, familiares y amistades de diferentes partes del mundo. Estamos a la espera de noticias y compartiremos con todos cualquier información proveniente de los doctores o enfermeras. (Edgard)

3:23pm (5/21): El Profe's surgery is still ongoing and we have been pleasantly approached by many friends and family who send us many prayers and words of encouragement. We thank God for this fraternity between brothers, family and friends from different parts of the world. We are waiting for news and we will share with everyone any information from the doctors or nurses. (Edgard)

11:50am (5/21): The Profe's surgery is planned to be of 10 hours.

No tenemos noticias todavia que reportar pero sí quiero compartir que el profe siempre se ha mantenido ocupado aun en jubilación. El Profe ha sido 'incansable' en el trabajo y el tiene un programa de Radio en Radio CEPAD, los invito a que escuchen su programa http://radiocepad.org/. Pero algo relevante del Profe es el projecto del cual ha sido parte desde su fundacion, El Colegio Bautista de La Concepcion (La Concha).

El Profe ha trabajado arduamente para mantener esta escuela en La Concha donde sirve a mas de 250 alumnos. El Profe trabaja para conseguir apoyo a esta institución para que pueda seguir dando estos servicios a esta comunidad. La página de Facebook del Colegio es https://www.facebook.com/pg/colegiobautistalaconcepcion/posts/?ref=page_internal. Les anímo que lean un poco de este proyecto y formas de contribuir. (Gilberto Jr)

We do not have any news yet to report but I will like to share with you that Profe has always kept busy even beyond retirement. Profe has being relentless in his job and ministries, one of them being a Radio program with Radio CEPAD, I invite you to listen to some of his programs at http://radiocepad.org/. Equally, a most relevant project Profe is part of since its foundation is the Baptist High School of La Concepcion (La Concha) serving more than 250 students at the local community. El Profe work towards support and funding to this School. The School Facebook provides additional details, https://www.facebook.com/pg/colegiobautistalaconcepcion/posts/?ref=page_internal. I encourage you to read about this beautiful project and seek ways to get involve and be a loyal supporter. 

(Gilberto Jr)

9:25 am (Managua Time): We have not heard anything yet (it's been approximately an hour ago since he went into surgery) however, I want to share a little bit about my dad. The story goes that when he used to be a teacher at the Baptist School, people nicknamed him "Cosita de Horno". This word "cosita de horno" is a dessert made out of corn in Nicaragua. If you ever met El Profe, you know he enjoys food. There was something about this dessert though, that made some of his students nickname him after this dessert. It makes me smile every time I hear one of his students call him that. (Carmen)

No hemos escuchado nada. Hace aproximadamente una hora entro a cirujía.

Mientras tanto voy a contarles una historia de mi papa. Cuentan que cuando daba clases en el Colegio Bautista, sus alumnus le pusieron de apodo ‘Cosita de Horno’. Si uds conocen al Profe, recordaran que le encanta comer. Hay algo con este apodo. Tal vez le gustaba mucho. Cualquiera que hubiese sido el motive, siempre me pone una sonrisa en la cara cuando escucho alguno de sus alumnus referirse de mi papa de esa manera. (Carmen)

6:30am (Managua Time): Our dear friends, today May 21, the Profe has gone into his mayor surgery. Many friends and family members in Nicaragua, USA, the UK, Canada and many other countries have chimed in and sent their thoughts and prayers.

The throat cancer that the Profe is suffering from is very aggressive and it required quick intervention. His doctors were able to schedule his surgery quickly and all tests lead to the conclusion that fast action is necessary.

He is being attended by a team of Doctors at Hospital Bautista de Managua. This hospital is located very near the First Baptist Church of Managua, where el Profe has had many great friends, sisters and brothers in Christ.

Damaris, his wife, is with him at the hospital and has been a tremendous source of support and a great support to our father in these troubled times.

Our fund raising campaign for El Profe has started and we are hoping that all his friends and brothers and sisters are able to help in this hour of need. Please see here.

We ask for your prayers for him, the doctors and the whole medical team. To God Be The Glory!

We will continue to update this website as we receive information from the doctors.

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