Volume 11-12, July-August Edition, 2021

Back to School and the start of a second semester

Promesing high average grades

The third week of July marked the beginning of the second semester of classes. The 254 students returned with enthusiasm to participate in the different activities. The presentation of the projects by the students of last year of high school, required for graduation, was held. In addition, a recital of declamation of poetry by Rubén Darío was held, in homage to the 133rd anniversary of the publication of the book "Azul" in Chile, one of his most outstanding books.

Finally, a soccer competition was held among the Secondary female students, with the eighth graders winning. You can read about it in this newsletter, with our gratitude to all who make the School possible.



To be the best private educational center in the municipality of La Concepción, with high quality teaching for pre-school and basic training.




We are an educational center with Christian principles to comprehensively educate boys, girls, and young children from preschool through basic education.




To provide quality education in pre-school, primary and regular secondary education.

Another year of great promise 

Our students continue to exceed expectations

Despite the many difficulties we have experienced in the last two years with the pandemic and economic challenges in our country, our students have demonstrated the ability to continue learning and exceed their knowledge thus demonstrating good percentages of progress.

The main objective of this school is on track and the expectations are good for another good and great promotion in 2021, thus putting even more high school graduates who can achieve their professional goals after high school.

The dreams of the founders and contributors of this project are being fulfilled in this community. We ask our Lord that he can continue to guide us on this good path and we ask that he help us to continue counting on the support of those who donate to us. Enclosed we share the financial statements of the College for transparency with those who donate and for those who are willing to help us defray the expenses of this great project of faith.

Send us your words of encouragement and prayers to sendnotes@profe-aguirre.org

To support our school, we have the following four easy ways you can donate.

Girls' fútbol (soccer) competition

The girls' soccer team, made up of eighth grade "A" students, beat the tenth grade group "A" in the sporting match on Monday, August 9th. With this triumph, the girls were crowned the winners of this championship promoted within the School among Secondary students.

Congratulations to the teams for their participation!

Senior's student project defensor thesis

As part of their documentary research work, the eleventh grade students have completed the defenses of their theoretical and practical projects.

Each one presented the selected topics to a qualifying jury. The topics were defined according to the needs they have seen in the school, such as: Maintenance and remodeling of boys' and girls' bathrooms; donation and application of a geometric case for the mathematics area; ornamentation of the main entrance and the formation of a Reading Club.

We thank the parents and students for having supported these projects that leave benefits to our Institution.

Recital of poetry in tribute to the 133rd anniversary of'Azul', 'by the Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío'

Students of different grades prepared to declaim outstanding poems from the "Azul ..." Book by our Prince of Castilian letters, Rubén Darío, in commemoration of the 133rd anniversary of the publication of this work. “Azul” is a compilation of poems that was published in Chile in 1888.

Jorge Eduardo Arellano, a Nicaraguan intellectual, affirms that "in Azul ... Rubén Darío fully realized, for the first time, his cultural project that would guide all of his poetic work with splendid independence and originality." Nine students participated in the recital, declaiming the most relevant poems of the book. 

Get Involved!

Together we can make the difference

What you do matters

Your support to this school makes a direct impact to the bottom line of the school purpose and financials. Many of these students families are making the greatest effort to keep their kids in school through the challenges of COVID-19. The pandemic has hit hard in this community of La Concepción in Masaya and the contributions received are providing an opportunity for each student to be in class in a safe environment despite adversities.

Water Conservation & Campus Cleaning

The school has an additional hour during their day for students to appreciate nature sourrounding their campus. Not only students are taught about enviromental issues and actions but also are embassadors of environmental awareness to their community and families. These practices have become one of the school well-known staple.

Dance Group Classes

Amongst the different activities this school is involved, one of the well recognized school activity are the Dance Group Classes and Group performances. Our school enjoys great community and parents participations in every dance performance the students showcase every opportunity they get. The school shows healthy activities to the community while students develop their cultural education.

Sponsor a Pre-School Student


Our goal is to Sponsor all 22 students in Pre-School
Commitment is for 12 months
Click Here to Sponsor Pre-School

Sponsor a Middle School Student


Our goal is to Sponsor all 122 students in Middle School
Commitment is for 12 months
Click Here to Sponsor Middle-School

Sponsor a High School Student


Our goal is to Sponsor all 110 students in High School
Commitment is for 12 months
Click Here to Sponsor High-School

Principal's Corner

We are excited with the results

Of the 254 students, all but one took their semester exams. The overall academic performance was 77.47% (196 students passed all their classes). 

These results motivate us to reinforce the weak areas in the classes of Mathematics, English and Language and Literature, which is where they present the greatest difficulties. We continue with sanitary measures to prevent COVID-19, maintaining deep cleanliness in classrooms and requiring the use of masks and frequent hand washing. Thank God 

In God we place our trust.

Mercedes Ampie

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