Volume 1, August 24, 2020

We are so happy that you can join us!

Profe Gilberto Aguirre Escobar High School Project Fundraising Campaign 2020

It is exciting for our family to start a new beginning and start it with you. After our father (profe Aguirre) passed this past June we feel that the best way to celebrate his life is to continue supporting the ministries that he worked so hard over the past 47 years.
One project in particular, 'The Baptist High School of La Concepcion' was personal for el Profe. Being founded in 1997 this project was a personal goal for our Dad with a clear view to provide education to the children of La Concepcion. Those who knew our Dad knew about his passion and support to encourage young leaders through education.
We find ourselves now looking after this School support. The School currently has 218 students, 19 students in preschool, 111 students in elementary and 88 students in middle/High School. The School used to provide education to 250 students, but due to the pandemic, parents losing their jobs unable to pay, lack of funding and facing many other challenges some of the students had been forced/opted to drop out of School.
We know many people support Nicaragua in many ways. We know that many people knew the work that profe Aguirre did for many years. We are excited that you can come now along with us and continue to support some of these ministries. The school is a small project, but in its story you will find the great difference it has made for the community where it sits.


Moving Forward

Fundraising for 2020

We hope you can join us and learn more about the School and how our group is working to continue a legacy. We break ground with this new Newsletter along with the fundraising campaign for 2020. We promise there will be a lot more news from the School on our next edition. For now, we wait to hear from those of you who want to contribute and keep this School serving this community. Send us your thoughts and prayers to sendnotes@profe-aguirre.org

“Estudia para que cuando cuando grande no seas juguete vulgar de las pasiones ni el esclavo servil de los tiranos”

“Study, so that when you grow up you do not become a vulgar toy of passion, nor servant slave of tyrants”  - Elias Calixto Pompas

Profe Aguirre School Project Fundraising 2020 Campaign

Why and how to contribute

We are so excited that you want to be part of this legacy with us and we appreciate your support. Our goal to support this school is of $7,200. This amount will help in operational expenses of the school amongst other services to the end of the year.

Your contribution and commitment whether monthly or a one-time donation will help the students and their families to keep children in school and continue supporting the ministry that was once started by profe Gilberto Aguirre.

Your monthly commitment

Profe Aguirre’s dream was to continue supporting the school and find ways to do so because this project is providing an opportunity of education to the children of La Concepcion. The school has already produced 18 graduation classes since its foundation and created many professionals already serving the community.

We kick off our 2020 campaign for the school and we are hoping you can join us. For more information on how or where to donate please visit us at profe-aguirre.org or https://www.profe-aguirre.org/donation-info-page

Your one time donation

To support this campaign, we have the following means to donate.

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