Volume 3, October 12, 2020

Entering Our Final 2020 Quarter!

Assessing Our Schools' Academic Year.

We are grateful for welcoming the newsletter where we share about life of the Baptist High School of La Concepción. In this issue you will find news about our high school seniors' final projects, sports, and educational games. 

The Nicaraguan school year ends in November, however, this year has looked a bit different. In the bulletin you will find how we are handling changes made necessary by the coronavirus.

We are very grateful to those who are collaborating with the school with their prayers and offerings. You are part of the educational community along with students, teachers, administrative staff, and parents. Thank you so for your contribution to the academic and spiritual formation of more than 200 children and young people.

The Importance of Your Contribution

How Are Students Impacted?

November is the last month of the school year in Nicaragua, when get to showcase their academic accomplishments and celebrate with year-end activities. The end of the school year marks memories that will never be forgotten. This year is even more special, because it is also the school's anniversary month; Happy 19th anniversary Colegio de La Concepcion!

In addition to these important moments, the ending of the academic school year brings the last operational expenses, including our teachers' pay. It also time to start budgeting for next year.

We are thankful this ministry is blessed with your interest to be a part of the family with your willingness to help. The opportunity to create everlasting memories and give education to this community is priceless. Despite the pandemic and this years' challenges, we've fulfilled the duty scripture instructs us to do, by serving others. We continue to ask earnestly for your help to keep this ministry running

Send us your words of encouragement and prayers to sendnotes@profe-aguirre.org

To support our school, we have three easy ways you can donate.

Send via Bank of America; Please click contact us directly for instructions

Send via Zelle by typing the alias; donate@profe-aguirre.org

Send via Gofundme; https://www.gofundme.com/f/profe-aguirre-school-project?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1


The interaction between students and teachers is an essential part of learning. Knowledge is shared and skills are nurtured in so many different capacities and sunject areas through that interaction. However, because of COVID-19 pandemic, first semester in-person classes were irregular. Since July, with the combined efforts of students and staff, Colegio Bautista has been having in-person classes. Thank you to parents and teachers for their trust and cooperation!

We are extremely sensitive to taking necessary precautionary measures to combat COVID-19. At our school, we value our students' and staffs' lives and health, and have been putting these measures into practice to preserve them. 

In-person classes are also helping to clear the minds of students, parents and teachers, thus lowering the levels of stress and fatigue caused by the isolation this year has brought on. We look forward to a successful conclusion to the school year and students moving into their next grade levels.


The environment, sports and care for common diseases are an important subjects for the Baptist High School of La Concepción. The 11th graders (seniors), in coordination with their tutors, are conducting research in garden ornamentation and maintenance.

With the support of parents and families, students are learning how to document research through gardening in the following ways:

- Sowing of seeds of not only decorative plants, but also medicinal plants in the schools' Arco Iris (Rainbow) garden, Ranch David garden, and Pajaro Azul (Blue Bird) garden.

- Maintenance and progress of gardens

- Repurposing and reusing materials such as plastic pots and tires to use in the gardens

On top of the gardening projects, students are working together to upkeep the schools' designated areas for sports and sports equipment, and the supplies of the school first aid kit with commonly used medications. 

These works allow the student to put theory to practice, an important part of learning. They also develop important values such as care, love and respect for their community and surroundings. 
The purpose of these projects is to provide a healthy, clean, pleasant school environment for the community. The green areas help to bring down the temperature surrounding the school, evidently reducing fatigue in our classroos. They also teach students how to better appreciate and respect green areas. Maintenance of the sports areas help with Physical education, which in turn allows for mental and emotional recreation through play. Making sure the school first aid kit is up to date helps make sure we are taking care of our students' health with supplies that treat common ailments such as flu symptoms and headaches.                 

Written by 11th Grade Students. 16 years old.

Our Traditional Games

Participation in active play is important. Guided by our teachers, children and adolescents play different traditional games such as sack racing, dancing, jumprope, etc. Tradition and culture are upheld through these games. Lately, children spend more time at home in front of the television or tablet or phone, playing games that are often not suitable for their age that, over time, generate more negative attitudes. For this reason, Colegio Bautista de la Concepcion promotes these games and activities which allow for physical, intellectual, and emotional development of our students of all ages.          
Written collaboritively by students aged 4, 7, 8, 9 and 16 years old

Get Involved!

Together we can make the difference

What you do matters

Your support to this school makes a direct impact to the bottom line of the school purpose and financials. Many of these students families are making the greatest effort to keep their kids in school through the challenges of COVID-19. The pandemic has hit hard in this community of La Concepción in Masaya and the contributions received are providing an opportunity for each student to be in class in a safe environment despite adversities.

Water Conservation & Campus Cleaning

The school has an additional hour during their day for students to appreciate nature sourrounding their campus. Not only students are taught about enviromental issues and actions but also are embassadors of environmental awareness to their community and families. These practices have become one of the school well-known staple.

Dance Group Classes

Amongst the different activities this school is involved, one of the well recognized school activity are the Dance Group Classes and Group performances. Our school enjoys great community and parents participations in every dance performance the students showcase every opportunity they get. The school shows healthy activities to the community while students develop their cultural education.

“Estudia para que cuando cuando grande no seas juguete vulgar de las pasiones ni el esclavo servil de los tiranos”

“Study, so that when you grow up you do not become a vulgar toy of passion, nor servant slave of tyrants”  - Elias Calixto Pompas

Profe Aguirre School Project Fundraising 2020 Campaign

Why and how to contribute

We are so excited that you may become part of this legacy with us and we appreciate your support. Our goal to support this school is of $7,200. This amount will help in operational expenses of the school amongst other services to the end of the year.

Your contribution and commitment whether monthly or a one-time donation will help the students and their families to keep children in school and continue supporting the ministry that was once started by profe Gilberto Aguirre.

Your monthly commitment

Profe Aguirre’s dream was to continue supporting the school and find ways to do so because this project is providing an opportunity of education to the children of La Concepcion. The school has already produced 18 graduation classes since its foundation and created many professionals already serving the community.

We kick off our 2020 campaign for the school and we are hoping you can join us. For more information on how or where to donate please visit us at profe-aguirre.org or https://www.profe-aguirre.org/donation-info-page

Your one time donation

To support this campaign, we have three easy ways to donate.

Send via Bank of America; Please click contact us directly for instructions

Send via Zelle by typing the alias; donate@profe-aguirre.org

Send via Gofundme; https://www.gofundme.com/f/profe-aguirre-school-project?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1

Principal's Corner

Serving the Country

Dedicated to Lic Gilberto Aguirre Escobar, loving in memory.

 Profe, you always said that education sets us free. In this past month (September), the month when we celebrate our independence, we also remember that we should serve the country. And serving the country is educating its citizens without looking for monetary gain. How lovely it is to know that your faith in God and your works are the spiritual fruit that should be fostered in children and adolescents, because doing good for the country is doing good to oneself.

Mélida Blas Martínez
Vice Principal
(Not the one on the picture)

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