Volume 6, February Edition, 2021

2021 School Year Kickoff!

Students Excited Looking at their New Year Academic Commencement

Monday February 1st marked the start of the 2021 school year in Nicaragua. 210 students started the new cycle with much enthusiasm and discipline. With dedication, our professors bring forth the academic and moral foundations that characterize us. At the end of the first week, more students had enrolled for a total of 254 students.

Nicaragua is a country of musicians and poets. In February, the birthdates of poets and writers Fernando Silva and José Coronel Urtecho are celebrated just as the deaths of poet Alfonso Cortes and the renowned Ruben Darío are remembered. They have all played a part in creating a place for Nicaragua in Spanish-American literature. We also also honor the death of Augusto C. Sandino, a national hero and symbol of patriotism.

In this newsletter we share a little about the dreams and challenges of one of our own teachers, Francisco Pilarte as well as school financial information.



To be the best private educational center in the municipality of La Concepción, with high quality teaching for pre-school and basic training.




We are an educational center with Christian principles to comprehensively educate boys, girls, and young children from preschool through basic education.




To provide quality education in pre-school, primary and regular secondary education.

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Education, In the Face of a Pandemic

Enrollment this year (2021) was a success, perhaps more than a success. Facing a pandemic in Nicaragua is very hard and we expected some families to be hesitant about the school year or even more, not allow their children to enroll for school. We were wrong! We had an overwhelming enrollment season. Nevertheless, we are disconvering that our schools' education may be in demand in this community.

The original idea by our founder Profe Aguirre was to provide  educational assistance to a growing community that did not have a combined Christian and private education in the region. The school over the years has successfully delivered their commitment attracting more interest in education in La Concepcion community. Sadly, this year the school staff had to reject a few students for the 2021 calendar year due to space availability.

Coming off from a good start, we will hope and will pray that along with many of you, The Lord can bless us in a near future, to grow this ministry just a bit more and have us provide an additional building to fulfill the demand we now face.

For now, we continue to be blessed by our God in this ministry this year. There is a long journey ahead of us that only can keep moving by the Grace of our God and by your loyal contribution. May God keep us all safe and healthy this year and bring us peace.

Send us your words of encouragement and prayers to sendnotes@profe-aguirre.org

To support our school, we have the following four easy ways you can donate.


Every year when a new school cycle starts, we share our dreams. This year we dream that we will be able to offer, besides the regular classes, computer, folk and contemporary dance and music classes.

We want to continue having the best folk dance group of the municipality. We will also participate in the Math, Literature and Speech contests of La Concepcion and beyond. Our seniors will present their projects to protect the environment and the whole school will celebrate the national holidays and our anniversary, in a civic and festive environment. More important, we will continue pressing the Christian values of tolerance, mutual respect, honesty and peace.

Our facilities include a big space where the students play basketball, soccer, volleyball and track. The littlest ones have a playground where they can exercise for fun, fitness and with the adequate distance between students.
Kindergarten and elementary school students receive a hot meal every day. The food is provided by the municipal government and is prepared by the mothers contributing to their diet. 

For all these services, and depending on the grade, the students pay between $10 and $15 a month. However, the real cost is double. We need friends such as you to contribute with $20 a month or $240 a year so each student receives a quality education and every teacher receives a decent salary and the educational materials they need. Will you join us in this adventure of faith?

2021 School Strategic Budget Plan 

The school budget is the vehicle by which the School Committee communicates its values and vision, it signals its commitment to its mission and our children, and sets its priorities for growth and achievement. Without an adequate and secure budget, the School cannot fully accomplish its goals for student growth and achievement, and therefore, never actualize its vision.

Over the past years Profe Aguirre, along with committed donors, were able to overcome bare bones budget challenges. Combined with adhoc reorganization and reallocation of a few funds, we have been able to maintain and even make small improvements in curriculum, educational obligations, staffing as well as support of teachers’ payroll constrains. More importantly, it is good to point out that last year budget was achieved in an economic and pandemic environment marked by COVID-19, which diminished considerably contributions from donors leaving our school with a budget deficit. In few occasions our School has made difficult choices that have resulted in underfunding staffing and payroll amongst other needed services. In order to support the school budget, the school board remains committed to grow awareness and continue seek funding through different fundraising campaigns such as the 'sponsor a student' efforts this year. 

We want to continue the commitment of service to this community through these difficult times. To do just that, it was decided we are not raising tuition fees in this year’s (2021) enrollment season. Parents, along with some community organizations have contributed through small fundraising activities. We know that based on this year current student population (254 students) tuition will support more than half of the budget this year. God willing, our donors will continue their commitments to move forward in order to help us fully fund the school budget and meet school expense obligations.

A Dream from One of Our Teachers

Mr. Francisco Pilarte is from Nandasmo, Masaya. He graduated in 1979 at the National University of Nicaragua (UNAN) as a Biology teacher after his high-school studies in neighboring Masatepe. 

He came to the School in 2013 to teach Social Sciences. Currently, he teaches Biology, Natural Sciences, Chemistry and Physical Education. The School environment makes him feel very good because the students and parents are loving and his colleagues are respectful, fraternal and care for each other. 

His greatest satisfaction is to know that he has contributed to the education of many students, especially, when they come back as professionals and remember him with much respect and gratitude. For four years he has been the guiding teacher of the eleventh graders. This means that he has to give more time to the students to prepare them for university and for the rest of their lives. He emphasizes the sense of responsibility, discipline, love to their neighbors and dedication to study. 

He shares the School’s challenges of lack of money which impedes that he has all the educational materials he needs as well as his salary on time. He is extremely grateful to those who contribute to overcome this situation.

“My short-term dream is that the School has a Science lab where the students can complement theory with practice and thus, to be able to develop their scientific spirit. Another short-term dream is that the three buildings have adequate roofing. At present, one of the building’s roof is in bad shape so it is difficult when it rains”.

“And my long-term dream is that we have a fourth building to welcome more students who want the quality education that our school offers”.

Thank you very much, Mr. Francisco! May God bless you!

Get Involved!

Together we can make the difference

What you do matters

Your support to this school makes a direct impact to the bottom line of the school purpose and financials. Many of these students families are making the greatest effort to keep their kids in school through the challenges of COVID-19. The pandemic has hit hard in this community of La Concepción in Masaya and the contributions received are providing an opportunity for each student to be in class in a safe environment despite adversities.

Water Conservation & Campus Cleaning

The school has an additional hour during their day for students to appreciate nature sourrounding their campus. Not only students are taught about enviromental issues and actions but also are embassadors of environmental awareness to their community and families. These practices have become one of the school well-known staple.

Dance Group Classes

Amongst the different activities this school is involved, one of the well recognized school activity are the Dance Group Classes and Group performances. Our school enjoys great community and parents participations in every dance performance the students showcase every opportunity they get. The school shows healthy activities to the community while students develop their cultural education.

Sponsor a Pre-School Student


Our goal is to Sponsor all 22 students in Pre-School
Commitment is for 12 months
Click Here to Sponsor Pre-School

Sponsor a Middle School Student


Our goal is to Sponsor all 122 students in Middle School
Commitment is for 12 months
Click Here to Sponsor Middle-School

Sponsor a High School Student


Our goal is to Sponsor all 110 students in High School
Commitment is for 12 months
Click Here to Sponsor High-School

Principal's Corner

Welcome to 2021 School Year!

Welcome to the La Concepcion High School newsletter and website. The purpose of these channels is to provide parents, students, our school community, supporters and donors with easy access to a wealth of information on our High School news, programs, policies, and activities.

This year our primary goal at La Concepcion High School will continue to be to help all students achieve their dreams and find success in pursuing life goals and Christian guidance. We are unconditionally committed to providing the best possible educational program to our students.

We believe that there are numerous opportunities, both within our curricula and through extracurricular activities, for our students to gain the skills that will allow them to be successful in their lives after high school.

We are so grateful this year’s enrollment was such a success. We welcome our students in this new school year exercise. We are excited to come back to our campus and keep learning and teaching. We thank those who have come forth to make this possible.

In God we place our trust.

Mercedes Ampie

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