In the northern countries, April is a spring month when they are emerging from the long and cold winter and everything becomes greener with occasional showers. In Nicaragua, we don’t have the four seasons, so April is the hottest month of the year, anticipating the upcoming rainy season that starts in mid-May. Everything is dry, brown and dusty but in contrast, the trees yield the sweetest fruits such as mangos, watermelons and cantaloupes.
At the School we returned from the Holy Week break with renewed strength and enthusiasm to continue the studies. In April, we celebrate the Children’s Book Day, the International Book Day, the day of the Nicaraguan Athlete, the International Mother Earth Day and the founding of La Concepcion municipality in 1899. All these dates are very important for the integral formation of our students. We share articles from one student and one former student about the importance of reading and about the campaign to take care of the School’s facilities.
To be the best private educational center in the municipality of La Concepción, with high quality teaching for pre-school and basic training.
We are an educational center with Christian principles to comprehensively educate boys, girls, and young children from preschool through basic education.
To provide quality education in pre-school, primary and regular secondary education.
In order to promote reading among children, youth and adults, the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) established in 1995 April 23 as the International Book Day to commemorate renowned authors Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Spaniard) and William Shakespeare (British). Both died on April 23, 1616.
To celebrate the date, each year a capital city is named as World Book Capital and in many countries, there are activities to promote reading. This year, the honor corresponds to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia (part of Europe and Asia) and the theme of the celebrations is “Ok, and your next book is …?” .
Previously, in 1967 the Children’s Book International organization had established April 2, as the Intrnational Children’s Book in honor of Hans Christian Andersen, from Denmark, who was born on that day in 1805. Andersen, is a renowned author of stories and novels for children. In all educational centers, such as our School, there are several activities to promote reading among children, teens and youth.
We share a brief article by Andy Joe Sánchez, Class of 2021
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A Good Book
Dear reader, I bet the picture caught your eye, didn’t it? Even if it didn’t, I assure you that what comes next will interest you about books and how you influence on them.
Let’s start with the basics
We know how a book looks like and how to read it, but I guess that maybe you don’t. However I will not write about that. Books are an interesting information source, that maybe for you, it’s obsolete because now you can find on the internet a summary of any book. But no, a summary does not make you feel the essence of the book.
I will tell you a bit of its history:
Before, books were not considered as such because there were just abstract drawings that wanted to transmit a message. Along the years, letters were created because of the need to express a longer message. As the messages became more numerous and longer, other objects were created to contain them such as tablets and books.
What does a book offer you?
A book can be as extense as life itself, depending on the book you are reading, but the basic it offers you is the experience and knowledge that will make your life easier. It also offers you feedback, happiness or despair (if you’re reading novels) and improves your vacabulary.
Our age with books
As mentioned before, books have not always been as we know them and neither will be. -If you have come this far, contragulations, because you want to learn and you will succeed. - The readers influence this because if we get bored for reading , we can choose other formats such as the audiobooks which we just listen to. Audiobooks have advantages and disadvantages, the most important, lack of concentration.
Our age is changing but that does not mean that we will stop reading because we would become socially mediocre. A book shares what the author learned or will entertain you in a healthy way. You may say: Audiobooks are good enough for me. But no, it has scientifically been verified that reading makes you more intelligent and highlights your character in a positive way. Read a book and discover a world full of wonders that will open before you!
Andy Jose Sánchez, Class of 2021
The campaign is held at our school since 2019. It has two important objectives:
1) Carry out an activity that involves the queen and princesses of our school, so they become agents of change for our center and that they become persons who support and generate positive changes in our institution.
2) Involve in the cleaning, ornamentation ad care of the green areas of our school, to generate a more pleasant area for our students, staff and visitors.
"When I had this idea, I first shared with principal Mercedes Ampié. As always, she supported me to carry out the campaign. Now vice-principal Taniuska Blass, also helped me. In July 2019, we launched the campaign that included several days of cleaning all the areas of the instalations and talks about climate change, global warming and other topics related to the environment. These talks were given by our queen and two princesses, who represent the different academic grades (kindergarten, primary, secondary)
Last year, because of the sanitary emergency due to Covid-19 which affected the classes for some five months, the campaign was held until October 2020 with the corresponding queen and princesses. This year on April 9, we held the campaign again including the cleaning of the areas and the talks given by our queen and princesses elected in November last year. I especially thank Principal Mercedes and Viceprincipal Taniuska for their support not only to these activities but to others I promote, such as the election of the queen and princess that during these last years, I’ve become very close with them and I trust them totally to the coordination including artistic, scenary decoration and general preparation of the candidates".
Carlos Ortiz Sánchez, class of 2015
This day was created by the initiative of the U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970. It is a day to pay homage to our planet and to acknowledge Earth as our home and our mother, such as it’s been expressed by many cultures along history, showing the interdependence between its many systems and living beings who inhabit it.
The United Nations remind us that “today more than ever we need to change toward a more sustainable economy that works for people and the planet itself. Let’s promote harmony with nature and the Earth”.
Our students get involved during the whole school year to take care of the instalations and keep them beatiful.